How to disable Trend Micro OfficeScan using cmd.
Sometimes i find the Trend Micro OfficeScan is annoying when u wanna download some stuff from some cracks to disable the real time scan using command prompt, you can follow this guide.. 1. Start command prompt. Start->run-> cmd 2. Type "net stop tmlisten" 3. Type "net stop ntrtscan" and voila you Trend Micro OfficeScan real time scan is disable!!
even though I am to no extent qualified to "correct you" (I am mostly amateur and tabletop photographer), I nevertheless feel like dropping a remark here:
Can you remove the stars? Nope.
I generally prefer to shoot RAW or HQ Jpegs and add the funky effects later on on the I can always revert to the original file if need arises!
All the best
Tam Hanna
Thanks for the comment. The filter is meant for photographer like me who hate to process raw and use photoshop :P
the filter allowed me to get the desire effect without spending extra time on the pc trying to pp it to get the star effect..