How to reset the password for OfficeScan and ServerProtect?

How to reset the password for OfficeScan and ServerProtect?



To reset the Trend Micro OfficeScan 8.0 password, please follow these steps:


1. On the OfficeScan server, go to the PCCSRV directory

2. Edit the file: OFCSCAN.INI

3. Search and change the following value:


4. Save the file

5. Restart the OfficeScan Master Service

6. Open the Management Console

7. Use the password "1" (without the quotation marks) to log in

To reset the ServerProtect 5.58 console password, please follow these steps:


1. Close the SPNT Management console and open the Windows Registry.

2. Back up the registry as a precaution.

3. Go to the HKLM\Software\TrendMicro\ServerProtect\CurrentVersion\Agent registry key.

4. On the right page, locate the AgentPassword key.

5. Double click and delete the value data and leave it blank.

6. Close the registry

7. Restart the Trend ServerProtect Agent Service

8. Open the SPNT Management Console.

9. Use the password VPROTECT to login. (NOTE: VPROTECT is all capitalized)


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